We are excited to announce that Canada Soccer, in partnership with Alberta Soccer, will launch the first phase of the nationwide She CAN Coach program, with the application process opening on June 1st, 2023. She CAN Coach is a national woman coach recruitment, development, and training program with the goal of ensuring more women and girls can enjoy the benefits of soccer by addressing the current challenges that they face relating to participation. This program will be open to all 23 Alberta Soccer Districts, as we aim to reach as many female participants as possible.
In the words of Sara McConaghy, Manager of Development Programming with Canada Soccer, “She CAN Coach will align clubs nationwide to actively recruit, develop and inspire women to become coaches in our game by eliminating barriers, providing a welcoming environment, and ensuring all women interested in coaching have a place where they feel they belong.”
As a Provincial Partner, Alberta Soccer will be instrumental in the initial Club recruitment and onboarding phase. According to Lisa Grant, Alberta Soccer Executive Director, “We are excited to be given the opportunity to take part in the inaugural She CAN Coach Program, which will benefit the women in our soccer community.”
Important documents: Club Application Guide, Club Application Checklist, and FAQ document. Please note that information sessions will be held virtually on Tuesday, May 30th, at 1:00 pm (MST) and 6:00 pm (MST). To access these sessions, please use the following links:
May 30 – 1:00 pm – https://us06web.zoom.us/j/88380851880?pwd=SklQUEIxRW9aSWxXcFRoYS9kOGJLZz09
May 30 – 6:00 pm – https://us06web.zoom.us/j/82202341560?pwd=S1ozN2VvN3UvWWZtZW4zUys0M0Rxdz09