Referee Registration Renewal

Important Notes
Each year, every Referee in Alberta must renew their annual registration before April 1, otherwise a late fee will apply.

  • This registration is valid for one outdoor season and the following indoor season
    (April 1 – March 31 of the following year)

Note: If taking a Mini or Entry Level Course, the first year of Referee Registration is included

  • Go to and log in to your Ref Centre account.
  • Click where indicated to complete your registration form and submit your registration fees.

Before being placed on the eligible list for outdoor, you will need to attend a refresher course –
Courses will become available from March 1st onwards.

  • Complete the Outdoor Questionnaire of 16 questions based on the Laws of the Game (found under the ‘Registration’ tab).
  • Click on ‘Refresher Courses‘ (also found under the ‘Registration’ tab) to see the list of available courses in the province and to register for one.

You must complete these steps to be added to the list of eligible referees for the current year.

**Please note that additional refresher courses will be added during the course of the season as they are requested by hosting districts and instructors are confirmed, so check back if there is nothing currently that works for you.

Outdoor courses run March to June and Indoor Courses run September to November.

If you have any questions or concerns, please email –

Yearly Registration for Mini Officials

If you are not sure if there will be Mini Soccer games for referees in your area, please check with your local soccer association or community.

  • Go to and log in to your Refcentre Mini Referee account.
  • If you cannot remember your password, the ‘Forgot Password‘ link will display a list of Refcentre accounts linked to the email address that you entered. If you no longer have access to the email account used for Refcentre, please contact the Referee Development Lead at
  • Follow the prompt on the first page of your account to complete the registration process for the year. Note – there is no registration fee for ‘Mini’ referees.

*Some leagues may require an internal refresher course. Please contact your local league directly to find information on any added requirements for that leagues Mini officials specifically.

You must complete these steps to be added to the list of eligible referees for the current year.

If you are planning to take an Entry Level course to become a youth referee in the current year – please do not renew your Mini account, but follow the steps in the ‘Upgrade from Mini to Youth’ tab.

If you have any questions or concerns, please email –

Mini Referees who are 14 years or older (on or before May 15th), are eligible to take the two day Entry Level course to become Youth Referees.
To do this:

  • Go to –
  • Search by date for a course in your area
  • Register for the course – by doing this, you will create a ‘new’ Refcentre account.
    Note – you can use the same email address as your Mini account, but will need to choose a different password.
  • You can also see a list of currently confirmed courses before searching – Upcoming Courses.

Please do not renew your Mini account if you are registering for an Entry Level Course.

If you have any questions or concerns, please email –