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Answered Questions

Abandoning a game is something we all wish to avoid but may come across at some point in our refereeing careers. There is no perfect answer, but the following factors will help you make a decision when the time comes.

If any of these 3 questions arise before, during, or after the game and cannot be remedied, then it is perfectly okay to abandon the game and leave for a safer location. At the end of the day, safety for yourself and the players is the most important factor.

Any decision you make may come with pressure from teams wanting to continue. It is not easy, but making the decision when it is absolutely necessary might be the difference between leaving without worse consequences.

Like all send-offs and controversial moments, always complete a misconduct report with all details and send it to the league as required.

  1. Do I or my crew feel unsafe in the current environment? (Fans or players showing aggressive behaviour towards you).
  2. Are the players from either or both teams in a situation where their safety is at risk? (Ex. A fight between players to where both teams are now not in a mindset of playing soccer).
  3. Are there outside agents risking the safety of the crew, players, spectators or coaches? (Ex. Spectators that don’t appear to have an affiliation to either team are present and provoking people on the field).