Summer weather can be unpredictable, and the practice of soccer can be severely damaged because of it. That is why Sherwood Park District Soccer Association came up with an out-of-the-box solution for when it starts pouring.
Cancelled practices or games are a common thing around Alberta, especially during the summer months. Weather changes fast and can be unpredictable at times. That is the main reason why, last November, the head office at Sherwood Park District Soccer Association sat together and discussed options for the upcoming outdoor season.
“We came up with a rainout protocol. Basically, what we did was to make an indoor facility available for teams to practice, so they don’t have to worry about the rain”, declared Martin Dugas, Executive Director at Sherwood Park Soccer. “Our main goal is to increase accesibility for our players”, he added.
The Sherwood Park Indoor training facility includes a fitness centre, and a classroom, which functions as a lab for players to watch videos of games and training sessions. The facility has been a total success with teams. According to Martin Dugas, “there was one day where we had to close our outdoor fields by 3:00 PM, because of the rain. We acted fast, and were able to accommodate seven teams in one night”.
“The response of the community has been great. They understand that this facility can be used for training, and small side games for younger groups and scrimmages. We hope to continue providing options to the residents of Sherwood Park when it comes to playing soccer”, Martin Dugas concluded.