Everyone starts with a dream, a big goal.
But how is success measured in sport? Is it playing Tier I, on a Provincial team, a medal count, or simply in the display of passion and enjoyment?
“Many are called, but few are chosen” rings true in many things. Whilst many hold the dream of playing at a high level, this is only attainable to those who overcome more measurable and developmentally focused goals. Goals should be based upon the player and not their peers – to maintain the players’ passion for development.
The first goal of any sports program is to engage children and nurture a passion to play – but does this ever change?
As children develop and mature, the challenges get tougher and goals harder to achieve – but so should the passion to overcome these challenges. A true goal is to identify and embrace the challenge of soccer with a passion to play. If you consider the likes of Messi, Beckham, and Maradonna before them…read more (scroll down to Tip of the Month)