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2016 Alberta Soccer Awards Nomination Form
Nomination Forms are due by December 19th at 4 PM. Award winners will receive 2 complimentary tickets to attend the Alberta Soccer Awards Banquet on January 28 in Calgary. Any questions about this form can be submitted to
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* Indicates required question
Which Award does this Nomination refer to? (find more information about each Award on the Awards Page of the Alberta Soccer website) *
Shield of Merit
Woman of Distinction
Award of Merit (only Districts can nominate for this award)
Golden Shoe (Youth)
Golden Shoe (Adult)
Golden Whistle
Silver Badge Award
Bert Goldberger Technical Leader Award
Physical Literacy Coach of the Year
Nominee's Name: *
Your answer
Nominee's Address *
Your answer
Nominee's Phone Number: *
Your answer
Nominee's Email Address: *
Your answer
Nominator (Name): *
Your answer
Nominator's Phone Number: *
Your answer
Nominator's Relationship to Nominee: *
Your answer
Provide a brief write-up below of the nominee's background and accomplishments in soccer in Alberta. Please be sure to also send a high-quality digital photograph of the nominee to
Your answer
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