COVID-19 Updates

Return To Soccer Guidelines

Since March 2020, Alberta Soccer has worked with our stakeholders to respond to the ever-changing environment of the COVID-19 pandemic in Alberta.   Through timely communication and guidance, we continue in our commitment to a safe and compliant return to play at every stage of the response.

Before on-field soccer activities can occur anywhere in Alberta, the following conditions must be met:

  • Alberta Health Services lift applicable restrictions, AND
  • Municipalities / Regions lift applicable restrictions, AND
  • District Members support modified season in their jurisdiction, AND
  • Alberta Soccer Return to Soccer minimum guidelines implemented and maintained.
  • Return-to-Train Guidelines (coming soon)
  • Return-to-Modified Games Guidelines (coming soon)

Department Updates

  • Alberta Soccer Offices
    • Hours of Operation, Monday to Friday, 8:30 AM – 4:30 PM.
    • All staff working remotely so email recommended.
  • Covid-19 Financial Supports Memo
  • Member Reporting & Fees Update Memo

