(June 4, 2018) Locations for the 2018 Servus Youth Outdoor Provincial Championships and Senior SoccerFest have been announced. The Tier I to Nationals competition and the Challenge Cup and Jubilee Shield will return to Edmonton in August while the Tier IV Rural competitions will be split between Camrose, Carstairs and St. Paul.
Locations include:
Tier IV Rurals (July 6-8)
U13: Carstairs
U15 & U19: St. Paul
U17: Camrose
Tier IV Cities (July 20-22)
Male Competitions: Edmonton
Female Competitions: Calgary
Tier II & III (August 10-12)
TBA on June 27
Tier I/Tier I to Nationals (August 23-26)
Senior SoccerFest (August 31 – September 3)
Challenge/Jubilee: Edmonton
Premier: Calgary
Tier I & II: Calgary
Tier III: Edmonton
Masters/Classics Major: Edmonton
Masters/Classics Premier: Calgary
A full listing of youth locations is available here.
A full listing of senior locations is available here.